Virgo Purification Beckons You Toward Crystalline Dreams

It’s the turn of a new season as we traverse through the early days of Autumn. September has a lot in store for those who are ready to listen, review and reassess. Are there any lingering dreams you have yet to actualize? Have you been looking at yourself clearly in the ways required to bridge the old into the new? With several planets in retrograde, the opportunity to pick up any straggling pieces comes with an opportune stillness to withstand before moving forward.

September Themes & Cosmic Overview

An influx of retrograde action calls each of us inward after a buzzing and expansive summer. You can refer to these dates throughout the month, but the most important theme this month is to listen and observe. 

Sept 3: Jupiter retrograde in Aries

The planet of expansion takes a hiatus this retrograde in the trailblazing sign of Aries. Be mindful of any fiery emotions and give yourself space to feel it through in a safe container. Emotions are information and when viewed through the objective filter of pure surrender solutions are bound to the surface. 

Sept 5: Venus enters Virgo

With the Sun in Virgo, Venus entering this earth driven sign adds to the areas in which you derive pleasure from. With themes of purification and renewal, how can you create beauty in the seemingly mundane?

Sept 10: Full moon in Pisces and Mercury goes retrograde in Libra

It’s full moon time. You know the drill. Stop, drop and release what has completed its phase. This lunation carries the emotional depths of Pisces that can be traced back to the new moon in February. What cycles are due for completion over the past several months? Were you healing from a break up? Was there a career change in motion? With mercury going retrograde in Libra, be mindful of how these emotions influence your social relations. 

Sept 17: Sun in Virgo opposes Neptune retrograde in Pisces

This is a great time to bridge aspects of the ego self with any misdirected or forgotten dreams and aspirations. How can you work with virgin elements to purify old visions or to review Piscean-like aspirations? Remember, your dreams exist because they want to be born into this reality. Virgo opposing Neptune brings earthly energies into the watery currents of what has always been destined to meet the shore. Make it yours. 

Sept 23: Mercury retrograde returns to Virgo

Keep the pace set. Mercury will be in retrograde until October 5 and is now stationed in this month’s sun sign. This is a great time to move with care and reassess any of the themes relating to your personal journey. Can you take a step back and see the bigger picture?

Sept 25: New moon in Libra

As we near the end of the month, the new moon graces us with a new beginning after weeks of what seems like endless review. However, with retrogrades still in place, let this serve as an opportunity to see how you’ve approached new ventures in the past and how you might evolve your approach moving forward. 

Sept 29: Venus enters Libra

The dance between Libra and Virgo lands on Venus as the harmonizer between all of the shifts this month. How does the external world respond to your inner dialogue? Are there areas within your psyche due for purification? What does your shadow want you to know and integrate? Where does the bridging of these aspects lead you along the journey to your highest vision? Venusian principles bring a tint of rose to these deeper aspects of the heart and psyche. Work with it accordingly!

The Virgin As A Fertile Ground for Zest and Renewal

Virgo is an Earth sign holding the keys to new beginnings out of old endings. Similar to nature, Virgo remembers everything. A mutable sign, it is the subconscious of the planet. It is the energy that pushes the seed through the soil, the doubts through to certainty. With the hidden blessings of numerous retrogrades, this Virgo season is potent for the purification of ideals through review and honesty. 

This month marks the bridge between the conscious and the unconscious as Virgo is ruled by the Hermit card in the tarot. Consider the initiatory steps that must be taken, with a lantern, often through the dark to the peaks of self-mastery. By no means does virgin symbolism equate to sexual celibacy. While this can be the case for some, the Hermit symbolizes virgin energy as a mechanism to self-honesty and loyalty.

Can you remain centered amongst the waves of change? How can you work with the process of purification, not to mark what is wrong, but to emphasize and extract what is right for you?These are some of the questions and themes you can work with throughout Virgo season and the retrogrades that ask you to go within. As you ground the lessons and blessings from the summer and reap the final harvest before winter, this month is a critical time to reflect. The wisdom you cultivate throughout this time is meant to be shared, as the hermit with a single lanter, your endeavors will sustain warmth as fall turns into winter. 

3 Crystals to Exalt the Purification Process in Your Journey This Virgo Season

If working with crystals is in your practice, you’ll deeply benefit from utilizing nature’s gems and stones to connect with this month’s earth sign leading the journey toward purity. Grounding, listening and cleansing the mind, body and soul is the ally in refining what no longer serves you on the next leg of your journey. Incorporate these crystals into your process for a deep connection to realms meant to be felt.


Associated with the heart and third eye chakra, Unakite is a powerful ally in bridging interdimensional aspects of the self. For the purposes of September’s themes of purification, Unakite poses as the harmonious center between the conscious and the subconscious. 

You can craft your very own Unakite oasis with the selections in our Soulshine online stock for all your Virgo aspirations

Rainbow Fluorite

If Unakite serves as the bridge between conscious realms, Rainbow Fluorite is the calming essence throughout your travels. Known for its capabilities in increasing creativity, improving concentration and calming stress, Rainbow Fluorite is a wonderful tool to strengthen your field and stamina as you champion through this season. 

Let our Rainbow Fluorite selection be your balance between strict perfectionism and fluid exploration. Yes, there is room for both. 


A great stone of harmony, Tourmaline is a cleansing crystal that connects to the purification process and pairs perfectly with any themes that may arise as Mercury enters retrograde in Libra on September 10. Work with our selection of Tourmaline to observe your thoughts and see through any illusitory stories in how you communicate or relate with others. 

Whatever the process of purification brings, trust in the power of allowing yourself to truly show up for what needs to be refined. It might be something you are aware of and have been fine tuning throughout the years. Or, it could be something you least expected. Utilize the tools and wisdom you have cultivated to surrender in releasing what is destined to come back around through simplicity and sophistication.


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